Age Friendly Business

Welcome older customers and workers. 


Value older customers and they will value your business.

With an ageing population, smart business owners will see the potential of attracting and keeping older customers to grow their business.

Our consultancy service can help you create built environments that are easy for older people to access and enjoy. Things like steps, bathrooms, seating, lighting, and acoustics can be barriers for older customers.

We can help you think about advertising that is age inclusive.  The images and language you use, and the visual presentation of material can impact how older people may see your business.  Restaurant menus with small fonts can lead to frustration and take away from a dining experience.

We can provide advice on the design of products used in your business with customers.  Coffee cups with tiny handles are almost impossible to hold for many older people.


Attract the experience and loyalty of older workers. 

Ageing populations will impact your available workforce.  Being a preferred employer to older workers may be important in the future.

Our consultancy service can help create built environments that supports the engagement and productivity of older workers. 

We can look at products important to getting work done in your business, and ensure they meet the needs of older workers.